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5 Quick and Easy Lunch Ideas
If you struggle with eating healthy at lunch because you are always on the go then I have 5 solutions for you.
These 5 quick and easy lunch ideas also work well for dinners when you have to run kids to practices or have other events going on and time is limited.
These are simple to make with limited ingredients yet packed full of nutrients.
This short video discusses some of the strategies that I use with my personal nutrition clients and the link below has all 5 of these lunch ideas.
1. Chicken, pesto & guacamole wrap
2. Spinach, chicken & feta salad
3. Tuna salad sandwich
4. Vanilla, fruit & yogurt parfait
5. Mystery recipe
Some of the biggest obstacles are they don't know what to eat, or have time to make healthy meals. So the question becomes "How Do I Make Quick and Easy Meals?" The takeaway is that you can eat healthy with just a few ingredients. These can be filling satisfying and eat on the run types of meals.
The solution is to think ahead. Plan 1 or 2 days ahead on what you "want" to eat for your meals. This may not mean you actually eat exactly what you planned out, but you will definitely eat most of what you planned out which if we can eat like we want 80% of the time we will reach 100% of our goals.
Some of these recipes can be made ahead of time or pre-cook some of the ingredients so that your prep time is reduced. These 5 recipes may also give you ideas for other healthy quick and easy recipes to make so that you can eat healthier and reach your goals faster.