The TOP Three Carbs That Boost Fat Loss
One of the BIGGEST questions fitness professionals, doctors, and health care professionals get is: aren’t carbs bad for weight loss?
And the answer would be a resounding NO!
Yes, limiting your intake of carbohydrates may lead to weight loss, changes in body compositions, and other benefits, but limiting your carbohydrate intake may also affect your performance and energy levels.
Now, think about this for a second:
Anything you eat – if you eat too much of it – may lead to weight gain.
And, if you’re not working out to burn those extra calories, than chances are you may not stop your weight from going up.
Of course you know that carbs have gotten a bad reputation as a nutrient that may boost your weight – and that you should limit or avoid it for the most part.
However, that may not be the best advice…
Top Three “Good” Carbs to Eat
Although mainstream media paints carbohydrates in a bad light (leads to weight gain), eating the RIGHT carbs may do the opposite – plus enhance many different aspects of health.
Of course, there are carbs that you should avoid – such as white breads, white rice, white pastas, cakes, pastries, baked goods – which may do nothing but slow your weight loss, create sharp spikes in your blood sugar, and may lead to diseases such as heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes.
But don’t worry…
There are carbs that are GOOD for you, and when eaten in the RIGHT amounts and COMBINATIONS (most food should be well balanced with lean proteins and essential fats), then you may find yourself burning fat and seeing a dip on the scale.
So what are the best carbs to eat?
Well, we have a pretty good list of carbohydrate-rich foods that may boost your weight loss and improve your overall health and body composition.
The Top Three Carbs to Eat
1. Whole Grains
There is plenty to say about whole grain products: They may be great for weight loss and improving overall health.
Whole grain products contain plenty of fiber, nutrients, and phytochemicals that are great for improving cellular health, digestion, and weight loss.
However, you do need to find the RIGHT whole grain products.
Any products where the first ingredient is whole wheat or whole grain would be ideal – and that includes breads and cereals.
However, if whole grain products cause flare ups of allergies or gluten sensitivities, then there may be other products out that hold the same benefits.
Sprouted grain breads are a perfect alternative (look for gluten free) in order to boost your fiber, vitamins, minerals, and essential phytonutrients your body needs to fight off harmful toxins.
Other great sources of whole grain products: brown rice, sprouted grain pasta, bulgur, quinoa, and wheat berries are great sources that may improve your weight loss and boost overall health.
2. Whole Fruits
Now, you may have heard that fruit may be bad for you due to the fructose content.
But fruit – in whole sources – may be a great form of carbohydrate that your body may be able to use for energy.
Plus, fruit contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber that make fruit a powerhouse for nutrition.
Fruit tends to be low in calories, low in fat, and may have less sugar than what you would find in a 100 percent natural fruit juice.
Pair fruit together with a protein and you may have a slower release of sugar into your blood (perfect for pre-diabetics and diabetics) and may lead to better overall meal satisfaction.
3. Beans
What can you say about beans?
Beans are a great source of carbohydrates – slowly digested carbs – which is perfect for controlling blood sugar and slowing the release of insulin.
Plus, beans can be a great source of protein, providing them a perfect one-two punch for hunger and weight loss.
Protein has been shown to not only take more energy to break down (thermic effect of food) but may trigger an area of your brain that controls satiety – or satisfaction after your meal.
And this could be the step you need to control hunger, and one that stops you from eating too many calories in one sitting!
The Right Carbs for You
Although carbs have gotten a bad rap for increasing weight gain – this may not all be true.
The fact is, there ARE certain carbs that may increase your weight – and those are the kinds you want to stay away from.
The ones to avoid: anything with processed white sugars and flours, white rice, white breads, cakes, pastries, and baked goods are all examples of carbs to avoid.
The above choices may contain carbs that are slowly digested, therefore preventing the sharp increases in blood sugar.
And this may lead to less fat storage, better digestion, and may increase your overall fat burning.
Finally, in conclusion, although carbs have gotten a bad reputation for weight gain, beans, whole grains, and whole fruit may be great options for boosting your overall fat loss – and other wonderful health benefits.
About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.